List of Tamil words in Paakantyi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist

Clues to read Paakantyi words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’;‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
Letter ‘p’ and letter‘s’ can be retained / deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Paakantyi Dictionary - by Luise A. Hercus
English – Paakantyi – Tamil
*1. this- ithu- ithu
2.take away- kaanti –kondu poa
*3. hole in the ground- kakuro – koarai / hole
*4. sharp/ pointed- karangka- koormaiyaaka
*5. upper leg- karaya- kaar
*6.cry out- karka- karaika
7. stone- karna- kar; karunkkar -letters are read repeatedly
* chop in pieces- katha katha- koththu koththu
*9. bitter tasting- kaithi – kaiththida
*10. tree-wilga- katha- kattai /wood
*11. cloud- karu puta- karu putham -dark cloud; karu- dark; putham- cloud.
*12. short- kathuka- kuttaiyaaka
* be hurt- katyala- kaayam adaithal stare at - katyi – uththu noakkidu
*15. small / little- katyulu–kutti yaai ulla; kutti- small.
*16. itchy- kiikityila- kadiththal
* teach- kirka – karppikka; karkka- learn.
*18. bullocks- kiyata- kedaa;kottiyam.
*19. black- kukirka- karu vannam; ka= va; va= ka.
*20. hollow- kula- kuzhi play - kuli- kuyil- play; kaelam – play.
22.hut- kulyi- kuchchil dream- kunha- kanavu kaana; ka= va; va= ka; kanavu- dream; kaana- tosee.
24. to dream- kunthala-kanavu kaanuthal; ka= va; va=ka.
*25. to bark- kurka- kuraikka
26. to treat/cure a sick person- kungka-= kunamaakku
27.cold season /winter- kurli- kulir – cold; letters are jumbled; kulir kalam; kaalam- season.
28. to touch – kurti – kaiyaar thodu; kai- hand; thodu- touch.
29. drunkard- maata –mathu adimai;mattai adi – get intoxicated; mathu /thaem- liquor; adimai- slave.
*30. slow- maawulu- mella
31.rain- makara – kaar die- malpu – maala chew- mata – mennidu
*34. to tie up- matyi- mudi idu hum- muumuu muumuu- munu munuththidu go away - nganta- neenkidu; nakanthidu- move .
37. we- ngina- naankka wash- ngulypa- kazhuvu; ka= va; va= ka.
*39. featherdrum made from kangaroo skin /stuffed with feathers- ngutya- kottu
* feal pain- nguuki- noaka
*41. woman – nhuungku- nankkai
*42.river- paaka – aa pakai
43.paaru- a river- parappu;aaru.
44. river – pantyi- unthi
* tell lies- paarka- poei uraikka; poei- a lie; uraikka- tell
* pour with rain - paatha- peithida; uooththu – to pour.
*47. possum hole- pantanyi- ponthu – pit stretch – panti- neettu
* fight- parti- poaridu dig out- pathama -thoandanum
* write- parta- poriththidu
* kill- parta- uyiraipariththidu; uyir- life; pariththidu- take away.
* escape- parraka- parika
*54. ashes- pilla- pali;saampal
*55. baby- piipi- paappa *56. useless- patya- payan padaatha
57.ant- piipuru- erumpu; letters are in reversed order. meet- pinta- santhiththidu
*59. hawk / bird- piratutha- parunthu wake someone -pula – ezhuppu- letters are in reversed order.
*61. bullock- pulu – pullam
*62. to hide something- pulyka – olikka
*63. to pluck- purta– pariththidu
*64. powder- putha- podi
*65. vagina- putu – pundai
* 66.ghost- puuri- paei uru / fairy
* pierce- thaka- yaeththuka; theikka.
* hit with a weapon- thaka- thaakka; adikka.
* write- thaka- theettuka smell- puunta- moanthidu
*71. edge- thaku- ottukku
72.heavy- thakuli- edaimikuthi ulla; edai- weight; mikuthi- excess;
* eat- thayila- thueiththal
74. to shut in- thawi- adai
*75. to bite- thatya- thueiththidu/eat; theendidu /sting.
*76. to pour out- thiika- uooththuka /pour
77. foot- thina- adi
78.starve oneself- thuka- pattiniyaaka
79.bottom- thithi -adi
*80. close together /adjoining- thulu- otti ulla
* feel sleepy - thulypala – thyuil nilai; thuyil- sleep; nilai- state.
*82. night- thangka- thunkki
* spit- thupu- thuppu
*84. thick – thuntyu – thadiththa
* run- thurpa- oaaduthar rain- thuta- thooththa; thooththal– full form. burn down- thuupa-thee idu ;thee-fire.
88.crow- waaku- kakkai come- wapa- waa
90.take- watu- edu blow/ wind- watha ; uoothu/ blow; adiththtida . lose something- wilpa- izhappu
3.entire- yantha- anaiththum
*94. home- yapara- purai
*95.sun- yuku - koa
* pull- yulti- izhuththidu
*97. large wooden bowl- yukutya- kudam / pot
*98. path /road- yuthurru -theru /street
99.stone adze- kuritya– kar aayutham; kar- stone; aayutham- tool.
100.anus- thithi -sooththu oaattai; sooththu- buttock; oaattai- hole. nganyu- unnuka piityi- oaadu
103.bold- thiri- theiriyam; uruthi ; letters are in reversed order.
104.what- intya- ennathu? – what is that? enna- what; athu- that.